Monet’s “San Giorgio Maggiore al Crepuscolo”

The oranges and yellows explode together to create, in my mind and body, an explosion of color and movement. It wakes me up. It affects me like a burst of adrenaline.

3 thoughts on “Monet’s “San Giorgio Maggiore al Crepuscolo”

  1. So glad to get a glimpse into your world, Edward. And to see what captures your eye and your heart. This painting conjures up passion and light. I see on-fire feathers everywhere.

    • Hi Diane. I stepped back from my screen and I also see the feathers. One of the things I so love about this type of painting is that from up close it is a jumble of unrelated brush strokes, but from a few feet back it blends together into a nearly realistic image. This reminds me of a early morning and Chase, Grether, Isabelle, and I spent together deep in the canyons at Zion’s National Park. It was a May day in 1999. Isabelle was 3. The four of us walked up the trail from the parking lot to the bottom of the Zion Narriows. The early morning sun created long shadows and it gave the red rock a certain dreamy feeling to it. This was about 6 months after Merrie Lee and I had split up and we were in the middle of the divorce. I remember being with little Isabelle and feeling deep gratitude for her spiriti and confidence. I remember promiising myself and God that no matter what happened with Merrie and I that I would always show up for Isabelle as her dad. I was afraid that circumstances might make this not turn out well.

      Now, 13 years later, I went to watch a modern dance performance by Isabelle at her school last Friday. She was amazing and talented and confident and beautiful. And she was also insecure and very 16. Writing this right now reminds me that I have been a good dad to Isabelle. I have shown up for here all the way through. I am lucky that circumstances and finances and family support all came together to support me to be a present and loving dad. I do feel grateful.

      Well. All that from a paining.
      Great always catching up with you Diane. Please send our love to Ed and the gang!

  2. Hi Ed! Chase commenting from Colombia. Love the painting. Twilight is my favorite time of day, and crepuscular, it’s adjectival form, one of my favorite words.

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