Spring in Utah

The temperature hit 57 yesterday. The snow is melting. My favorite time of year is coming. March to May in Utah are fabulous. Here is a graphic/painting that matches how I feel about spring in Utah.




late night Ed musings

Here are some late night musings: 

Today I want to find gratitude for everything, including the unpleasant and uncomfortable. I will see the good  in others and I will trust that things tend to work out in the end. I will be the guy who lives passionately and takes risks. I will practice believing I can step up and be a warrior for good. I choose to believe that there is a Higher Power in the universe that will make things work out, even though it may look very different from what I want or expect.

I guess I am really talking about my own anxiety and fear that comes from living in a stressful and crazy world where anything can happen and people suffer at times find happiness and joy at times.

A colleague share this quote that I love. She heard it from a teacher at the BYU social work school:

You can’t delete the darkness in the world – you can only add light

Great advice from a friend: “Ed, you are not God.”

So, in the middle of my work day, I was feeling washed out and tired and overwhelmed emotionally. I didn’t know why. All was going well with my work responsibilities. I was doing a good job. All was well in the external world. Still, I felt drained and out of it.

So I asked a friend for a pick-me-up comment. I asked for a little motivation and feedback. 

He said, with care and with no judgment: “as a therapist, Ed, remember that your job is to be a mirror and to let the clients know they are loved and cared for. You can’t fix them or make them change. Change is an inside job.”

I knew all that already, but, oh boy, did I need to hear that.

So, with that, I felt a weight lifted.

To any of you who worry too much and sometimes care too much: remember that you are not God. And, remember: that is the good news!

a van gogh

a van gogh

This picture intrigues me. The combination of strange shapes causes an emotional reaction in me. I think the reaction is both interest (I’d like to stand in that room) but also a strange dreamlike aversion (like there is something very wrong or dark in the room.) The furniture setup is odd to me. The pictures on the wall leaning out over the bed is curious. It looks like a room from a dream. Yes, the picture feels dream-like. Also the red bed cover is delicious to my eye.

What do any of you think/feel? How does this painting effect you?