email sent to friends today inviting them to this blog


Some of you have told me to start a blog and start putting on paper what I think and what I feel. You seem to think I have something unique to offer. I believe everyone on the planet has a unique contribution to make. I believe God puts us where we are for a reason.  

So, finally, after dragging my feet for months, I did it. Here it is: my new baby.  

You folks know me. You have done life with me. You are my friends. You know that I like to talk, that I have passion, that that I wear my heart on my sleeve, and that have an active mind. You know that sometimes I think a little too much. I get a little excited. Well, this blog is my attempt to connect with you and the world. I will share words and pictures and videos and songs. I will open up my internal world to you.
I am keenly aware of my constant responsibility to hold confidentiality, especially as it relates to me work and my friendships. I will be diligent and vigilant in this. 
I don’t know where this will go but I am excited to find out. Come join me. I welcome your comments, thoughts, ideas, and feelings. Post anything that is important to you. The more random the better. If it is important you then it is important to me.  
I can’t wait to see what happens.

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