late night Ed musings

Here are some late night musings: 

Today I want to find gratitude for everything, including the unpleasant and uncomfortable. I will see the good  in others and I will trust that things tend to work out in the end. I will be the guy who lives passionately and takes risks. I will practice believing I can step up and be a warrior for good. I choose to believe that there is a Higher Power in the universe that will make things work out, even though it may look very different from what I want or expect.

I guess I am really talking about my own anxiety and fear that comes from living in a stressful and crazy world where anything can happen and people suffer at times find happiness and joy at times.

A colleague share this quote that I love. She heard it from a teacher at the BYU social work school:

You can’t delete the darkness in the world – you can only add light